Latest Press Releases

USINPAC reacts to historic Senate Resolution urging support for Modi Address to a Joint Session of Congress

25 July 2014; Washington D.C.: Today Senators Mark Warner, John Cornyn, Tim Kaine, Jim Risch made Senate History by sponsoring a resolution strongly supporting a Congressional invitation for a Joint Session of Congress address by Indian Prime Minister Modi during his September 2014 visit to the United States. Consistent with…

USINPAC Leads Grassroots Effort for PM Modi to Address Joint Session of Congress during September US visit

Washington, June 23, 2014: The U.S. India Political Action Committee (USINPAC) announced today that momentum has been building on a State-by-State grassroots campaign for Congressional invitation to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address a Joint Session of Congress during his first US visit as a Head of State. USINPAC…