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Fire Ann Coulter for comments on Nikki Haley: USINPAC petition to Fox News

Online drive to boot Coulter off her favorite platform to spew racism.


NEW YORK: The US India Political Action Committee (USINPAC), a bipartisan nonprofit organization that works on issues and policies of concern to the Indian American community and supports candidates for offices nationally, has started an online petition drive urging Fox News to fire racist commentator Ann Coulter from its network, for derogatory remarks made against the South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.


The petition, championed by Sanjay Puri, President, USINPAC, says:


“Recent remarks by Ms. Coulter made on Fox Business Channel (http://politi.co/1GugyTu) where she referred to Gov. Nikki Haley as “just” “an immigrant” who does not understand American history while discussing Gov. Haley’s call for the Confederate flag to be taken down at the Statehouse buildinghttps://youtu.be/mf7nfMKuPA0 have pained millions of Americans, especially immigrants.


“Her statements apart from being racist are poorly researched. Gov. Haley, of Indian American origin, is NOT an immigrant – she was born in the United States.


“Not satisfied with making disparaging remarks about immigrants, and Gov. Haley, Ms. Coulter has further gone on to make bizarre comparisons of sons and daughters of immigrants in America with criminals and terrorists like Major Nidal Hassan (the U.S. citizen, shooter at Fort Hood), and Anwar al-Awlaki (the U.S. citizen, Islamic militant killed by a drone strike in 2011). https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter


“This is an issue that is of deep concern to the Indian American community evidenced by the large number of calls and emails that USINPAC is receiving on this issue ever since Ms. Coulter appeared on the Fox Business News program.


“Fox News must immediately remove Ms. Ann Coulter as a commentator or analyst from its news programming on any of its media properties.”


“The US India Political Action Committee (USINPAC) calls upon Fox News to immediately stop providing a platform to Ms. Coulter to espouse her innuendos about racism and terrorism against citizens of the United States who are immigrants or descendants of immigrants.


“It seems that using the principle of “any news is good news”, Ms. Coulter is using the Fox platform to intentionally generate controversies that are offensive to Americans, that are racist and targeted at the immigrant community, and that are against the very principles and founding values of this great nation – in order to bolster the sales of books authored by her, her self-serving interests, and her racist views.”


Puri said in a statement on the petition against Coulter: “This is an issue that is of deep concern to the Indian American community evidenced by the large number of calls and emails that USINPAC is receiving on this issue prompting the organization to start the online petition asking Fox News Network to fire Ann Coulter with immediate effect.”


The petition can be found at this link:





Source: The American Bazaar

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