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Washington, D.C.:

USINPAC is hosting a series of virtual panels during this election season. AMERICA VOTES 2020 is an informative and interactive discussion regarding the impacts of the upcoming elections. On October 23rd, 2020 we held “The Panel Hour” where our political professionals and business leaders gave their thoughts and reacted to the final presidential debate. They also described how certain comments raised in the debate could influence voters and turn out in these final days before election day. Panelists Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, candidate for US Senate, MIT PhD from Massachusetts. Roger Sengupta who is the founder and Chairman of the Park Place group from New York. Steven Alonzo is a Government Affairs & PAC manager who joined us from Washington, DC. 

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai mentioned “I thought what came across at yesterday’s debate, were the achievements the Trump Administration have actually made. It came out clearer this time compared many prior discussions and although this point was raised, I don’t think Trump harped on Biden’s 47 years in government quite enough. Regarding what has Biden actually contributed or accomplished in those 47 years? Perhaps this could sway the remaining few undecided voters when they are looking and comparing these two people. A lot of these issues Biden raises, he could have easily tackled while he was Vice President” 

Roger Sengupta said “I call this the Covid economy, certain corporations are profiting, yet droves of restaurant workers are unemployed. The pharma companies are laughing all the way to the bank. We have capitalism, however it is unregulated capitalisms. Who actually received all of these funds and did it go to the right places? Every stakeholder in this economic pyramid requires representation. Who is representing the people who need the money? Not just all of these corporations. We need a new member at the Cabinet level who would be able to oversee and ensure effectiveness when it comes to these large economic recovery programs. Make sure every single stakeholder has a stake in their community. It is not socialism, it is morally what is right”.

The Panel Hour was broadcasted live on USINPAC’s Facebook Page. The full discussion is now available on www.facebook.com/usinpac. Additional panels in our series can also be found on our Facebook and YouTube pages.

The US India Political Action Committee (USINPAC) is a bipartisan nonprofit organization that leverages the over 3.2 million Indian Americans to bring about outcomes that matter. USINPAC provides support to candidates for federal, state, and local offices, and serves as a resource for federal agencies, lawmakers, and Congressional staff. For more information, please visit www.usinpac.com.

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