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How to Solve/Handle Terrorism and Homeland Security Issues

Issues: Terrorism and Homeland Security

U.S. Director of Intelligence John Negroponte said, “Pakistan is a frontline partner in the war on terror. Nevertheless, it remains a major source of Islamic extremism and the home for some top terrorist leaders.”
Statement before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Jan. 11, 2007

The Al-Qaeda and the Taliban continue to operate in tribal regions of Pakistan. Al-Qaeda has reset its infrastructure it lost in Afghanistan. It is believed that Osama Bin Laden is currently hiding out in the Western region of Pakistan. In addition, plots in London have been linked to Pakistan.

President Musharraf has failed to deliver on promises to round up Al-Qaeda and cease support for the Taliban. He has not lived up to his promise to introduce democracy, and continues to rule as both President and military chief.

Madrassa schools continue to operate in Pakistan which teach anti-Western, anti-Hindu, and anti-American values to children.

Advocacy Platform
  • We support conditioning economic and military aid to Pakistan with specific benchmarks for Pakistani cooperation on dismantling terrorist camps inside Pakistani territory and accountability on the A.Q. Khan weapons of mass destruction proliferation network. We support US-Pakistani military training programs and also sale to Pakistan of military equipment that is defensive in nature only. F-16s are not defensive in nature.
  • We support full disclosure of 9/11 Commission findings regarding Pakistani Government’s complicity in harboring and providing material support for Al Qaeda and the 9/11 terrorists. We also support full disclosure by the U.S. Government regarding the facts and circumstances surrounding the murder of Wall Street Journalist Daniel Pearl.

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