Business leaders in both nations are willing to extend their reach into the roots of bilateral trades. They are willing to guide the Political administration in taking trade-friendly decisions and make bridges to help in development, prosperity and mutual benefit. The survey is done by APCO in close association with AUSIB. IT highlights the fact that leaders in both nations wish to evolve from diplomatic stand-still and breed friendly ties with each other motivated by the economic benefits and political stability.
The stand-out points that cropped out from the survey are as follows:
1. Business Executives in both countries see huge opportunities as far as economic growth is concerned.
Most US executives see India as top destination for investment.
70% US traders acknowledge that the economic relations are headed in right direction
2. Infrastructure development
95% Indian executives want Indian govt. to focus on infrastructure add to 40% US counterparts who want the same.
52% investors from US don’t invest in India only because of [poor infrastructure facilities.
Both nations rank first as Investment destination.
3. Positive References versus Negative pointers
The survey reports relationship health checker against the negative pointers that can hamper the evolution of trade.
Major concerns are Visa restrictions, Chinese grip on market and Out-sourcing challenges
Executives are willing to settle in the other country if stability is provided in the long run based on ethical backing and lower tariffs and taxation.
4. It reports the top 5 challenges in the immediate concerns facing each country
5. The survey ranks top 5 ways and ideas to further solidify Indo-US ties. Infrastructure tops both the lists followed by taxation structure and Visa regulations and travel options.
Conclusion: Overall, US Executives rate Indian market moderately, which is a motivating number, over the issue of regionalism which seems to affect the chances of doing any Investment in India. A majority of executives at midsize companies and those who view India as the best place to do business are more likely to do business in India as a result of the rise of state power