2014 Indian Elections: A Spectacle like No Other!

National elections in the world’s largest democracy have always been a grand spectacle. The Election Commission of India approximated that about 788 million voters are eligible to vote in 2014, an electorate that’s more than double the population of the United States. Analysts from Election Commission mentioned that almost 90,000 voters, between the ages of 18 to 22 years, will be eligible to vote for the first time in each Lok Sabha constituency this year. Notably, the number of first time voters is more than the winning margin in 226 constituencies. Social media and the birth of latest technological trends have taken politics to a new pedestal amongst the youth. . Therefore it is highly important for all parties to make their presence on the internet effectively so that they can cash in on the phenomenal visibility of the social media. Indian politicians are expected to invest about $5 billion on campaigning for 2014 elections, a sum second only to the most expensive US presidential campaign of all time in a splurge that could mushroom India’s economy. The overall investment in 2014 is all set to be triple the expenditure spent during the last national poll in 2009. This matrix clearly indicates that this year the elections would be a game changer for India and the world.

The upcoming elections are stirring the global audience considerably. Political parties are trying their best to woo Indians abroad ahead of India’s parliamentary elections. The United States and China are the two countries whose opinions matter the most to India. Reportedly in the US, Indian political parties have created a spark amongst Indian Americans. Indians living in the United States understand India’s true potential at a very fundamental level. They care about the role India plays in the US and globally. Supporting this viewpoint Sanjay Puri, chairman of the (USINPAC) US India Political Action Committee, says “This election and a resultant government either incumbent or new can do a lot of good for India and Indian Americans in addressing”. He further remarked that, “Indian Americans take pride in their origins and being an Indian. This election will have an impact on key aspects of India’s foreign policy given that the existing coalition government has been hamstrung due to coalition politics on several issues”. Many Indian Americans believe that more educated professionals need to participate in the political process in India.

Elections 2009, Young and first time voters
The 2014 Indian general election is all set to enhance India’s economy, and at the same time it will also have an intense effect on the United States. This election comes at a time when the relationship between the US and India is getting stronger. This will eventually give a silver lining to both the democratic nations by establishing a strong bilateral strategic partnership through various yardsticks.

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